Monday, July 23, 2007

Poll #1

This may sound strange but I currently have 4 books on the go (On The Road, Catcher in the Rye, Junior Pears Encyclopaedia and, of course, Harry Potter) and need to make my way through 5 magazines. So I'm pretty swambed in words right now, along with Cantonese lessons, I've been swallowed up in a world of learning. I'm addicted.

Just to keep you occupied I've added a poll.
It's in the sidebar on the right.
You have a week!
Get voting!

Much love,


Anonymous said...

That's so strange - I also have On the Road and Catcher in the Rye on the go at the same time (re-reading catcher in the rye, never read on the road) AND i just finished harry potter over the wknd...haha

Laura Murphy said...

wow that is so strange! haha great minds read alike!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, your site has been a great help! i'm visiting hongkong for a week at the beginning of augusut and i'll make sure i'll check out the places you've mentioned.
one quickie though, in one of your posts you had black pumps from gallaz.. can you get gallaz/vans shoes in hongkong? or is there a local brand that makes similar styled shoes?
thanks :D

Anonymous said...


Laura Murphy said...

to annonymous: Hi there! You surely can get Vans here, Mong Kok have a huge selection of sport shoes stores: Vans/Converse/DC's. However, no Gallaz. Take a look around Fa Yuen Street, which, in Chinese actually means 'Sport Shoes Street'